
General Studies >

Earn College Credit >

General Studies

English Language
English Literature
(All Classes Include AP Levels)
Algebra 2
Pre-Calculus/Elementary Functions
(includes AP Calculus)
Biology (includes AP)
Physics (includes AP)
Anatomy and Physiology
Environmental Science (includes AP)
Forensic Science*
Earth Science*
Marine Science*
Psychology (includes AP)
*Temporarily Unavailable
(All classes include AP levels)
World History
American History
European History
US Government and Politics
All classes include levels 2–5
Spanish (includes AP)

Earn College Credit


Gratz College and Heller High, in conjunction with Alexander Muss High School, partner to make courses you take during your Heller High Experience eligible for college credit. Through opportunities like this, students have the ability to distinguish themselves from other students when applying to college, and can even satisfy eligible requirements.

URJ Heller High, in partnership with JNF-AMHSI, is an intensive academic program fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. All instruction is conducted in English with the exception of the Hebrew Ulpan (language instruction), and any other foreign language instruction.