Since its inception in 1961, URJ Heller High (formerly NFTY-EIE) has been our Movement’s most intense, challenging and rewarding Jewish living and learning Israel experience for teens. URJ Heller High alumni have gone on to be leaders of Jewish communities across North America and around the globe. For many, their semester was the transformative event of their young lives.
The Fall semester of this program presents a unique opportunity for students: they get to celebrate High Holidays and Hanukkah together; build a very close, tight-knit community; and experience the beauty of autumn in Israel as they hike, climb, swim and explore.
“These past four months have offered me experiences unlike any other: to blow the shofar for the kibbutz on Rosh Hashanah, to pray at the Kotel, to prep and read an entire parshah for Shabbat services and to become a leader in my congregation. These experiences have kindled the spark I had initially possessed for Judaism and provided the tools necessary for that spark to grow into a great flame. My newfound passion for Judaism will forever be inspired by this journey”
-Stevi, Fall Semester alum
As we look forward to our next semester, we have a wonderful opportunity for Fall 2019 applicants. We have recently received a very generous grant that will enable us to provide a $1,000 tuition discount to all Fall 2019 students. In addition, we are able offer significant need-based scholarships that may cover as much as 30-50% of the cost of the program through the Heller High Scholarship Endowment.
We hope that this special reduction combined with the extraordinary needs-based scholarship assistance available will enable even more exceptional students to join our Fall semester, which departs on August 25, 2019, and returns on December 26, 2019.
Interested parents and teens can apply online now. If you are a congregational professional and know a teen who would be a great fit for URJ Heller High, nominate them today!
Questions about the application process can be directed to Robin Kulwin, Director of Admissions. General questions about URJ Heller High, or inquiries about future semesters can be directed to Casey Wright, Director of Marketing and Recruitment.